™   ICT Solutions for Every Challenge
Terms and conditions as of October 1, 2007.

On all of our services, offers and agreements the following general terms are applicable:

The Dutch FENIT terms and conditions are applicable. The federation of Dutch Enterprises for Information
technology, has deposited the FENIT terms and conditions at the Registry of the District Court in Den Hague on
December 8, 1994 under number 1994/189.

A free sample (in Dutch) of FENIT can be send on request, a sample of FENIT can also be downloaded here: also trades with the name the terms and conditions are the same.

If in any case the terms and conditions of FENIT or the terms and conditions of the client conflict with any other
terms or conditions of, then the FENIT terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of the
client are subordinate and are superseded with the terms and conditions of is a firm with limited liability. If in any case is liable for any damages, the
acceptance will only be once and only as far as the liability insurance covers up to a maximum the liability
insurance company has accepted and reduced by the ‘own risk’ value. is contract acceptant, client the customer. will always attempt to do their best to
fulfill the terms of contract to the best of their abilities, with the parameters of time, budget and quality. never accepts liability for the correct operation of hardware, (automated) software and
corporate data, this also includes back-ups, unless defined in a separate SLA.

All amounts in the supply conditions, correspondence and offers are without tax.

All offers are valid for 30 days, intermediate price changes by suppliers of sub-suppliers can be passed on after

Hardware, software and physical products are billed at contract start, hours are billed at the beginning of each
month. rides along the warranty given by suppliers of sub-suppliers. The maximum warranty period of
hardware and physical products is 2 years unless defined in a separate SLA. The execution of warranty may be
given to a different company.

Privacy statement, 25-5-2018:

How do we handle your private-data and how do we comply to legal requirements ?
To supply services to you we collect data about you, to avoid collecting data you should stop using our
services, it is that simple.

What type of data do we collect?
We securely collect and handle your data in order to provide you our services such as billing information,
contact information, specific user/group information in order to determine what type of services you are
entitled to, service desk handling, etc.
These types of data is kept digitally for 3 months after you stop using our services and kept on paper for at
least 5 years for legal requirements.

We also collect information about every aspect of you and how you connect/use our services, legally or
otherwise, to determine if you are a valid user or a hostile user. This type of data collection is fully automated
and securely collected real-time when you connect and kept in a secure and encrypted cache which is drained
between 1 and 30 days.
The types of information are your query, IP address, ARPA data, geographical location, all browser information
supplied by your browser or other methods of access, etc.

Other vendors
Data supplied by others such a banks in order to supply you with our services is treated the same as data we
already have.

Requests for data removal
You can always request removal of your data, we will inform you which parts can be removed and which not
due to legal requirements.

Securing your data
We use higher than military grade encryption to protect your data and use multiple layers to prevent un-
authorized access.
We do not share your data with anyone <period>

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Terms and conditions